Here’s my ideas for improving the site.
1. The poll can go. (It’s being used!)
2. Why is the header so big? If it has to stay so big can we use some of the space and put the clocks / weather /pictures in the header?
3. Can the clocks say ‘York – England’ ‘Oakville – Canada’ ?-France Canada has 5 time zones! See
For even more excitment could they all be a different colour?
4. Do we need the BBC News Feed? If so can we have stories about the Mighty Cas Tigers!
5. Does the Meta tab just contain the same tabs as in the header? if so do we need them?
6. It seems a shame the coultish gurners are so far down the page lets try and move them into the header or further up the page
7. Not sure we need the recent postings as they are on the same page. Could we have the posting on the next page instead or should we remove it?
The work that has gone into the site is great and these are just my ideas 😆
Thats it for me, please join in and make the site more user friendly. Remember as Geek and Moo say’s “It’s your Site what do you want on it and how do you want it to look!”
orange is ok for me ,hooray for the cas tigers info,( by the way orange was part of cas’s original colours with black the other colour) hope the site stay’s.
Like the Orange have looked at the screen res and it makes for a pretty nasty looking screen.
check the resolution your runing on the laptop. The header itself is only 150px high so if it is taking up a large amount of space you need to adjust your screen res. right click desktop, settings, change it to something like 1280×800 1360×800 1440×900
BTW, what do you think to orange?
Scott it may be this large Laptop that we have 17 inch but the header seems massive! From my laptops view you could reduce by another 50%
ok, title reduced in size by 25% and text moved up to suit.
Fantastic The Mighty Cas Tigers on the Coultish web site!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must be mad…… Done!
Wow turns out if you go to you can subscribe to the cas tigers news feed. please please please please can we have it on the site!!! 😕 😯
What do you mean Cas Tigers not the way forward!!!! 🙄 How very dare you! 😆
1, I agree – its gone
2, The header isnt that big on my screen! Agree we can use the space better, am curently waiting on an update to the code so that the gurners can go onto the top. With enough time and ability the header can be turned into any size/colour etc..
3, yip
4, The news feed from the bbc is a standard RSS feed. Anywhere you see the RSS logo or link it can be added to the site. Not sure cas tigers is the way forward though 😉
5, Meta tab does geeky things. It was moved to the bottom of the page couple of days (I think, have been making quite alot of changes recently) and there it will stay.
6,see 2
7, agreed, in this format they are surplus. If we go for a static homepage with a single posting then they will become useful. Like what we used to have.
Will have a little play about with things soon…