more new stuff :-)

When writing a post/comment etc.. there are now clickable smileys to make it easier to express yourself .  My fav at the moment   😈

Oh, if you think anything is interesting you can now click on the ShareThis button Share This Buttonbeneath the article. This will give you many options to email the article.

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I am the Geek, lord and master of this domain (well, something like that ;-) )

4 thoughts on “more new stuff :-)”

  1. this is me looking bewildered by all the geeky hi tech stuff that is taking place on coultish >>>>> to much for a wrinkle πŸ™„ y rover πŸ™„ :roll πŸ™„ :

  2. 😎 😎 😎 Your so cool doing that my Geeky little friend 😎 😎 😎
    Are you looking for a new job in web design?

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