After much hassleing by everyone that contributes, i have fixed the website. Yay I hear you cry – and you would be right ;=) Now dont get me wrong there is still plenty to do with the formatting and functionality but the basic functions are working (proved by this post). I will endeavour to get around to fixing this stuff when i get chance. Please reply to this post with anything you would like to see on the site that either was or wasnt there in the first place. If it is do-able I will try my best to make it happen.
One more point I would like to make, This fix was made fuelled on 2 large cans of stella, a large bottle of (strong) cider and half a tin of roses. Who says I dont work well with Stella????
hi, glad to see the site up and running again
well done to geek & all his techie staff who work tirelessly to keep the site up & running. But as to whether to use inbuilt with wordpress or migrate is to much for a simple being like me to comprehend, but i am sure the techies will work it out
Moo has rescued the photo archives and we have to decide if we should migrate to the new way of doing photos…… hmmmm
was thinking we could convert the photo gallery into the inbuilt one that comes with wordpress.
Yay…..For Scott and El……..I’ll help put it back together……
Wow, well done Geek. I can’t believe you did it drinking a 7.5% bottle of merrydown. I hope now that the website is working that everyone starts to use it again! Would love to see the gallery working again, but hey, one step at a time 😉