had a good first barbie last week and the photos can be found here
Do I suit the guitar?
If you create a Blog account you are now automatically creating a Gallery account as well. this means no more trying to remember multiple usernames and passwords. YAY. With gallery you can do cool stuff like this
Right thats us moved (again) but this time we hope it will be permanant. Time will tell.
still got alot of unpacking and Moo (as always) has ideas of decorating !! No rest for me then.
Well, we have been waiting along time (seems like we have anyway) but the day has finally arrived. we are moving into our new house, yay yay yay I hear you cry (especially M & D). No more house sharing for us.
Bar B Q at our house Sunday 1pm.
I still smell of curry, 26 hours after going to the all you can eat buffet!!!
This is the inaugural entry into the blog world, everyone can join in and be a part of it. If you have any news or events coming up or just want to spout…..
The other new item is the Forum, go on take a peek