Hen Nite

I’m just about recovered from my Hen Nite on Saturday. Had a fantastic time – the karaoke bus was superb (Glen/Ang – I did sing On Top of the World)! We went to all the usual bars and ended up in my old haunt – The Club de Mar 🙂


To see the rest of the photos click here. Unfortunately due to my record of losing bags/phones etc I wasn’t allowed to take our new digital camera out so there’s no photos of when we were drunk!

I don’t like working late!

Been working until 10pm Sunday, Monday and tonight. Glad I don’t have to do it on a regular basis but at least I’m getting the time back for it so I should have enough holidays for the wedding and if we go to Canada at new year. It’s going to be even worse on Thursday and Friday – 7am start – I’m not good in the morning. Roll on Saturday afternoon – working till 12pm then I’m off to relax ❗ ❗

Our First Camping Trip…….

…..was very very wet 😥

We went to Cayton Bay between Scarborough and Filey. Got there on Friday – we loooked like complete amateurs trying to put our tent up. At one point Geek was star-fished on top of the tent to stop it blowing away. After a nice bar meal and a few drinks we were having a quite a good nights sleep on our new airbed………then the nightmare began. At 4am in the tent next door a baby cried for about an hour solid. Then the rain started 😥 It dried up for a little while in the afternoon then started again and never really stopped.

Although our first camping experience has been slightly negative I can’t wait to go back especially with Emily and George as they’ll love it. Oh, and bacon sarnies in the open air are so much better 🙂 🙂